Author Eleanor Limprecht Visits Macquarie

Years 10 and 11 were treated to a lecture on an author’s craft of writing by novelist, University of Technology lecturer and Doctor of Creative Arts Eleanor Limprecht in August.
Eleanor’s first novel, What Was Left, came out in 2013 with Sleepers Publishing. Her second novel, Long Bay, was released in 2015. In 2018 her third novel, The Passengers, was published by Allen & Unwin. In June 2022 her fourth novel, The Coast, was released with Allen & Unwin. She has also had short fiction, book reviews, feature articles and essays published. Eleanor is on the board of directors at Writing NSW.
Eleanor’s notes were both inspiring and practical. Examples of her own work from draft through to published work exemplified the persistence required to complete a novel and the beauty of language. Questions posed such as “What is your focus? Could it be? The character you are examining and their transformation (literary fiction, historical). Begin with the character’s challenge, end with them having overcome it (or having been defeated by it, depending on the story you’re writing)” provided practical tools for students to use in their writing.
Macquarie is indebted to Eleanor for her time and generosity in sharing her insights and Sharon Quill for making it happen.